A few thoughts about dairy
emointhekitchen not just from the TCM point of view These days there are a lot of scientific and less scientific studies on milk and other dairy products, many of them contradictory. However, let’s think of common sense. None of the other mammals except us normally consume milk after the end of the lactation period. Enzymes that help to digest breast milk gradually disappear from the body with age. Humans have developed a genetic exception to that rule a few millennia ago. Lactase persistence gene A gene called the “lactase persistence gene” which has evolved among people in Europe and Saharan Africa makes some of us able to keep making the…
emointhekitchen This Levantine dip is very simple to make. Hummus can be found at almost any Middle East table. These days the popularity of this simple meal extends beyond its region of origin and it is enjoyed all over the world. During my study stay in Israel, I was surprised, at how much of this spread the locals are able to consume. The recipe below is traditional but you can also experiment with different flavours and different spices. Spices such as cumin, coriander seeds, sweet pepper, dried chilli or zaatar (this spice mixture is frequently used in Israeli and Palestinian cuisine) could be used. You may also stumble upon hummus…