Salad of Fried Rolled Eggplants
Eggplants found their way onto the Chinese tables in the golden age of the Silk Road.
Food along these ancient trade routes was diverse with Islamic, Asian, and Middle Eastern influences, and all of them impact China’s eating habits and traditional Chinese pharmacopoeia.
I’m not sure about the origin of this particular recipe. I stumbled upon its variant in Greece, Israel and even in Prague Chinese restaurants. Eggplants, together with yoghurt and sour cream, have a significant cooling effect, so save this recipe for really very hot days. People prone to colds with weak digestion should be careful and should not forget to add enough black pepper, coriander and parsley. Alternatively, a spring onion can also “warm up” this recipe.
You will need:
2 eggplants
100 g of walnuts (presoaked or drizzled with lemon juice)
2 cloves of garlic
150 g of sour cream
50 g of white yoghurt
salt, pepper, parsley, coriander (optional)
Peel eggplants and cut them lengthwise into centimetre slices, season them with salt and let stand for a while. Carefully dry each layer, fry on both sides in oil and put aside on the absorbent napkin. If you hold a barbecue, you can try to prepare the eggplants on a grill.
Chop walnuts, add cream, white yoghurt, parsley, salt, pepper and pressed garlic. Fill the eggplant slices with this mixture and roll. Serve cold.
Before serving, sprinkle with parsley and chopped garlic…
Properties of eggplants from the viewpoint of Chinese medicine can be found here (Garni Yarakh)
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