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The use of Chinese medicine in the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

People who suffer from atopic dermatitis know it is a problem that cannot be essentially eliminated. It is an inflammatory skin disorder that manifests a reddish, very itchy skin that can be thickened, dry and scaly. When humidity is added to the internal hotness, affected areas of skin can weep. I want to share my experience because I know how eczema can make life harder. My husband is struggling with atopic eczema in the lower limbs since childhood. Acute symptoms we usually cope with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Nevertheless, the patient’s condition varies rapidly depending on many factors. Among the important factors include stress, season, weather, etc. In acute cases where the problem of itchy skin gets worse, mungo bean soup is very effective because of its highly cooling nature. The recipe you can find here. The moment my husband began to do more night shifts at work, his condition has deteriorated sharply. This simple soup has helped him manage the acute stage of eczema.
The Burdock decoction
Another a very well-proven means of managing this unpleasant disease is the root of the burdock. In terms of TCM, the burdock eliminates the heat, cools the blood, and expels the wind. Therefore, it is effective in the treatment of diseases caused by blood heat, which are manifested by various skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and rashes. This herb has a gentle healing effect on the wounds and supports the healing process of the skin. The burdock is a very safe herb, but its fine extrusion properties may cause a temporary worsening of the rash. You have to look at it positively. The pathogen is forced to leave the body.

The quality dried root of the burdock is dark on the surface and whitish inside. When treating atopic eczema, it is best to take burdock in the form of a decoction. In Chinese herbalism, most herbs are cooked long. Except for those that would lose their effectiveness.

Put the herb together with water into a ceramic or glass utensil. In the acute case, use about 30g for about half a litre of water. Bring the water to the boil then reduce the flame and simmer for about 20 minutes. Then strain the decoction. From this quantity, you will prepare about 2 doses. Use whenever symptoms of atopic dermatitis get worse and as long as symptom relief occurs. Try to be patient. Because symptoms may indeed temporarily worsen. So do not stone me. I have really tried it. Not only on my husband. The root of burdock is used also in Asian cuisine as a vegetable in soups or as an ingredient for sushi. It strengthens the kidneys and helps us tune for the autumn and winter seasons.
Diet for atopic dermatitis patients from the TCM standpoint
Generally speaking, it is necessary to eat more foods that eliminate internal heat, mung beans, adzuki, melons and cucumbers. I can also recommend more foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids. (Avocado, walnuts) It is necessary to reduce the stress to a minimum. At the same time, you should avoid seafood, and foods with hot nature, such as lamb and long-term warming spices, hot pepper, garlic and onion.
External treatment:
Eczema, like almost every skin problem, needs to be treated primarily from the inside, but in the itching and burning it is necessary to treat the skin also from the outside. The patient should not scratch, which is easy to say but is difficult to do. If you suffer from wet eczema, you can try to massage your skin with a slice of raw potato. You can also try a paste of crushed aspirin, but avoid this if you have the salicylic acid allergy.
For a long time, I was looking for a remedy available in pharmacies that would be effective and did not contain corticosteroids. Steroids have such a huge amount of side effects, I would find it difficult to compile a list. Some products do not contain them, but frankly, they do not work well.
Israel is of the countries where TCM is very widespread. I would like to draw your attention to my recent great discovery. It is the Israeli cosmetics Kamedis, which uses the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Their cosmetics are designed for a wide range of skin problems. (Atopic eczema, psoriasis). My husband and I have tried Topic Skin Face Body Cream and Topic Skin Face Body Wash so far and we are genuinely delighted. I do not have time to alchemist mixing and testing my own ointments and this cosmetics is affordable and REALLY WORKS. You can find their products at the EShop at:
https://kamedis-eu.com or
If it’s more convenient for you. All their products are available also on Amazon.


You can read a very interesting post on the Kamedis blog.

Since life with atopic eczema is annoying, I will be grateful for every good advice. If you have your own guaranteed recipe to handle the symptoms, please do not leave it to yourself and leave a comment.

This post contains affiliate links from which I’ll receive small commissions but the price is the same for you. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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