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Stuffed Cabbage

A cabbage roll is an Eastern European dish with minced meat or vegetable dumplings wrapped in cabbage leaves. Varieties exist with different fillings. It is widely popular in Azerbaijan, Armenia, the Balkans, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Turkey, and Central Asia. It is originating in Jewish cuisine around 2000 years ago. I made this veggie version.

You will need:

1 large head of cabbage
5 cup onions
1 cup rice
1/2 cup olive oil
1/3 cup tomato paste
1 parsley
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup fresh chopped mint
2 tablespoons fresh chopped dill
¼ teaspoon paprika
1/4 cup pine nuts
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper


To prepare this cabbage roll dish, start by chopping onions, parsley, mint, and dill. Cook the onions in oil until they become soft and translucent, approximately 10 minutes. Next, mix the rice, lemon juice, and remaining filling ingredients and cook for another 10 minutes. Take the mixture off the stove once finished.

Next, carefully remove the hard core from the centre of the cabbage. Submerge the cabbage head completely in boiling water, ensuring the stem side faces down. Add some salt, bring the water back to a boil, and cook for about two minutes.

After the cabbage has softened, gently peel off the leaves. Cut the larger leaves in half and remove the tough central vein. Place each leaf with the outer side down on a plate and spoon 2 to 3 tablespoons of the filling onto the base of each leaf. Make sure to tightly roll the leaves, securing them as best as you can.

In a large cooking pan, line the bottom with torn leaves. Arrange the rolled cabbage leaves closely together in the pan, creating multiple layers if necessary. Pour in 2-3 cups of water and place a heavy plate on top of the leaves to prevent them from floating. Start by bringing the water to a boil over medium-high heat, then lower the heat, cover the pan, and let it simmer for about 45-50 minutes.

Once cooked, let the cabbage rolls cool for a bit, then remove the cover and drain any extra liquid. It’s crucial to let them cool down before serving to prevent any discolouration of the leaves. Serve the cabbage rolls at room temperature with a squeeze of lemon for added flavour. Enjoy this traditional dish!

Cabbage – Property – Sweet, neutral; stomach and kidney meridians entered.
Actions – Clear heat, eliminate dampness, dissipate nodules and alleviate pain, replenish the kidney and tonify deficiency.
Indications – Jaundice caused by damp heat, asthenic disease, peptic ulcer, arthritis.
Cautions – It is contraindicated in case of indigestion.

Vegetarian Tolma from vine leaves can be found here

Cabbage Stud Earrings – Tiny Food Jewelry

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