Stewed rabbit with spring vegetables
What could be tastier than a stewed rabbit with vegetables? The dish is incredibly delicate, aromatic and most of all tasty. People often use the rabbit only for roasting or with sirloin sauce, so I mention another treatment in which the properties of meat are better applied. This recipe is suitable for people who are dry, sinewy, irritable, and bitter from emptiness. For people, without problems, we can add green pepper and a little white wine.
We need:
portions of rabbit meat with bone,
green pepper,
white wine,
rice semolina,
vegetables of your choice – fresh spinach,
young peas,
young carrots
In a deeper pot, quickly fry the onion, roughly sliced, add portions of meat, and salt, and cover and simmer in our own juice almost until soft. When the liquid boils, cover it with a little boiling water. (If our health allows it, we can add green pepper, and white wine until the end of cooking.) We clean the selected vegetables and add them to the meat at the end. Concentrate the juice from the meat with semolina mixed in cold water and cook. As a side dish, we choose from variants – rice, spelt, potatoes mixed with boiled egg and herbs, and lettuce with shoots.
Analysis according to TCM:
Rabbit meat – cooling nature, sweet taste, tropism – spleen, stomach, large intestine. Effects: strengthens the middle radiator, replenishes qi and blood, stops thirst, and cools the blood.
Onions – warm nature, sharp and bitter tastes (cooking sweets), tropism – lungs, stomach, large intestine. Effects: strengthens yang, transforms mucus, supports intestinal qi.
Green pepper – hot nature, hot taste, tropism – stomach, lungs, large intestine. Effects: warms yang, stirs qi.
Spinach – cool nature, sweet taste, tropism – large intestine, stomach, liver. Effects: moisturizes drought, gives birth to fluids, replenishes the liver, and promotes eyesight.
Peas – neutral in nature, sweet taste, tropism – spleen, stomach. Effects: strengthens the spleen and stomach, nourishes fluids, and stops thirst.
Carrots – neutral in nature, sweet taste, tropism – spleen, liver, lungs. Effects: replenishes the liver, improve eyesight, digests food, strengthens the spleen, and stops coughing.
Radish – cool nature, burning taste, tropism – lungs, stomach. Effects: moisturizes the lungs, converts mucus, cleanse heat, replenishes fluids, and digests food.
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