Recipes,  Salads

Chicken salad with cucumber

You can enjoy chicken salad on its own or as a filling for sandwiches or wraps. It is a delicious and refreshing dish. This particular chicken salad recipe combines a variety of fresh and flavorful ingredients to create a mouthwatering result.

You will need:

3 cups chicken
¼ chopped onion
1/4 cup mayo
1/4 chopped cabbage
2 chopped fresh parsley
1/4 cup sour cream
salt and black pepper
1/4 sliced green onion
1 cucumber (sticks and half-slice)
1 tablespoon chopped dill


Place the chicken breasts in a pot and see to it that they are completely covered with water. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to low. Cook and immediately remove the chicken from the pot. Allow the chicken breasts to cool slightly and then slice them. Mix the chicken, dill, cucumber, cabbage, onion, parsley, green onion and dill. Mix mayo, sour cream, salt and pepper. Cut the cucumber crosswise to form garnish julienne sticks. Use the remaining cucumber half-moon pieces and garnish. Either enjoy immediately or refrigerate overnight.

Chicken meat salad with pomegranate can be found here

Cucumber – Property – Sweet, cool; lung, spleen and stomach meridians entered.
Actions – Clear heat, induce diuresis and remove toxicity.
Indications – Scalds and burns, oedema with oliguria, thirst caused by fever, sweat stain, oliguria with dark urine.

Chicken – Property – Sweet, warm; spleen and stomach meridians entered.
Actions – Warm the spleen and stomach, tonify essence and marrow.
Indications – Diarrhea, oedema, frequent urination, leucorrhea, weakness after illness, diabetes, uterine bleeding, hypokalaemia, poor appetite, and consumptive disease.
Cautions – Do not eat too much.

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