Sweet vegetable soup with Job’s-tears
emointhekitchen In the Chinese cycles of the seasons and the elements, Earth is often referred to as Indian Summer, or late summer, which is considered a time for slowing down and gathering in. The sweet taste enhances qi. However, this statement only applies to sweet and neutral, warm vegetables, all kinds of cereals, meat, fish, eggs, legumes, fats, nuts and seeds – in other words, it applies to all nutritious foods that have a delicate taste. All of these foods (although some relate to other organs) strengthen the qi of the spleen. Sweet moisturizes. This claim applies to cereals, root vegetables, fruit, dried fruit, fruit juices and sweeteners, such as…
Almond cream with Job’s tears and coffee grain
emointhekitchen The compiled menu is designed to support the stomach and spleen, which is enhanced by the sweet taste, orange and yellow colour, and from food, especially Job’s tears, Hokkaido pumpkin, sage or roasted grain drink. The stated amount is for four people. We wish you a good taste! Dessert (or morning porridge) Almond cream with Job’s tears and coffee grain You will need: 200g barley groats 200g Job’s tears Almond butter Rice malt or other vegetable syrup Almond slices Almond drink (or other cereal milk) Procedure: Pearls soaked overnight are boiled in triple water for 1.5 -2 hours with a few grains of salt. Strain while still warm after…
emointhekitchen “Job’s tears” is an important part of Chinese dietetics. The home of this plant is China and India. It grows at higher altitudes, where rice and corn growing is not too successful. The name “Job’s tears” refers to the drip-like shape of seeds and the biblical figure of Job, a representative of great sorrow. The oldest story tied to this plant comes from China. Approximately in the year 41 AD, the Chinese emperor sent General Ma Yuan to suppress the rebellion on the southwest border. In these areas, there was a hot and humid climate that encouraged the spread of various contagious diseases. The local population prevented the infections…