Red Lentil Soup
emointhekitchen Lentils are used in many different dishes around the world. Lentil dishes are most popular in South Asia, the Mediterranean, West Asia, and Latin America. Red lentils are rich in nutrients and have anti-cancer properties, so they are suitable for regular consumption. However, they are not a common ingredient in Chinese cuisine, so few people are interested in them. Today I will introduce you to red lentil soup, which can be used for its high nutritional value, easy preparation, and delicious taste. If you don’t believe it, try it, you will love it… You will need: olive oil 1 cup red lentils 1 small shallot and 1 small onion…
Bulgur and Lentil Salad
emointhekitchen Bulgur is a cereal food made from the parboiled groats of pasta wheat. This dish comes originally from Turkish cuisine. Later, its consumption spread throughout the Arab world and eventually to all other countries. You will need: 1 cup of dried lentils (or 1 can of cooked lentils) 1 cup bulgur (I am using medium grind size but it’s completely up to you) large carrot parsley, coriander, salt, pepper, lemon juice (approx. from 1 middle-sized lemon) Procedure: Cook the lentils well if using dried (if you are prone to flatulence, cook it with a pinch of Japanese nori seaweed). Boil the water separately, pour over the bulgur so that…